Thank you to our kind and generous donors!
we have raised the funds needed to restore the gift shop.
Gift Shop Restoration Background
The Gift Shop
For generations, as people gather at the Ojibway, the iconic gift shop has been a centerpiece on the front dock and major hub of activity for islanders and visitors alike. Historic photos and stories abound regarding both the memories and importance of this old store to the members of the Ojibway community as well as the general public. So when it came up for re-evaluation last year during the Historic Society’s review of facilities in potential need of preservation, the OHPS Board was careful to give the gift shop detailed consideration.
What we found has brought us through the process of determining that its restoration deserves the highest priority among potential Ojibway projects. The Board would like to share with you those findings and the plans developed to date, and we welcome input from Ojibway users as we move forward on this project.
Ojibway Hotel 1910
Why Does the Gift Shop Need to be Restored?
A combination of additions to the building over the years and the concrete floor backing up to rising rock has lead to serious structural deterioration and safety concerns. The roof leaks and rain water also enters through the back wall, down and across the main floor. Despite ongoing attempts at prevention, various openings where the back wall meets the rock allow small critter access; and a litany of other problems require constant work to keep the structure functional. The exposure along the back wall further makes it difficult to store inventory there as intended and/or to keep the needed storage area dry. To continue operating the store at an acceptable level and properly serve the community, near-term restoration will be required.
When Will Restoration be Done?
Our target is to begin the actual construction phase (discussed below) as soon as the Club closes down after the 2019 summer season.
Ojibway Hotel Postcard 1925
What Will the Restored Gift Shop Look Like?
As with all Ojibway restorations, OHPS researches and is faithful to the historic design and architectural appearance of the structure being restored. That will be true for the gift shop; and every effort will be made to adhere to the iconic “look and feel” and footprint outline of the existing building. Moreover, through the donated efforts of the international retail design firm Watt International, we have been provided very exciting and innovative plans for what can be done within a replication of that historic space.
How Much Will this Project Cost?
Following the contemplated project timeline, the soft costs would include 2018 architectural and engineering design drawings and then 2019 construction drawings for the design, architectural and engineering elements. Starting in September of 2019, the initial phase of construction will require demolition of the existing building and blasting of the rock behind to create a clearly delineated surface for structurally sound rear walls. OHPS has obtained estimates that all these above costs together with the costs for construction permits, labour, materials, allowances, equipment plus contingencies will amount to approximately $360,000.
Who Will Build the Project?
Under the formal Project Process adopted by the OHPS Board several years ago, a contract for a major restoration project such as this will be awarded based upon competitive tenders from qualified bidders after an industry standard bidding process and under cost control criteria to insure that the project does not go over budget. The bidding and construction specifications will be developed once all the preliminary steps in the planning process have been completed and the funds to undertake the project are secured through donations and firm pledges. So the identity of the actual contractor(s) who will build the project is as yet unknown, but rest assured that it or they will be whoever can deliver the most cost effective outcome for our donors.
See you this summer!